
Primer Dia - First Day

El primer día comenzó muy temprano. Nos despertamos a las 5 de la mañana y nos dirigimos al aeropuerto. Allí nos encontramos y el avión despegó alrededor de las 9. Cuatro horas y media mas tarde nuestra aventura realmente comenzó. Un divertido oficial de migración nos dio la bienvenida a Canadá diciendonos que no podía dejar que Carlos entrara al país, ya que tiene quince, pero en el momento no nos reimos. Luego llegaron nuestras maletas y el brillante color azul del signo nos esperaba fuera. Un locuaz conductor nos llevó hasta el lago Saint George, nuestra estancia, donde nos reunimos 7 de los otros estudiantes y la mayoría del personal. Es un hermoso lugar con los árboles y los mosquitos. Desde luego, no esperaba este calor. Mañana vamos a conocer al resto de los estudiantes y les diremos cómo nos va.

The first day started really early. We woke up at 5 in the morning and we headed for the airport. There we met and took off at around 9 o clock. After four and a half hours later our adventure really started. A funny migration officer welcomed us into Canada by telling us he couldn´t let Carlos into the country since he is fifteen, but at the time we didn´t really laugh. We then got our bags and found the bright blue color of the Cape Farewell sign waiting for us outside.
A very talkative driver took us to Lake Saint George, our staying place, were we met 7 of the other students and most of the staff. It is a beautiful place with loads of trees and mosquitoes. We certainly didn´t expect this hot weather. Tomorrow we should meet all the rest of the students and well tell you how that goes.

20 comentarios:

Ian Betts dijo...

That's great news! Really pleased to hear you landed safely and I hope everything has gone well meeting the team. Send us back some great pictures please, and let me know if we can do a live chat with you. Form 4 will be online 1-1:45 on Monday and Form 5 tomorrow and Next Tuesday 915-10am (all Mexican times).
Anyway, take care and good luck!

Emiliano Fernandez dijo...

what's up juan, is emiliano, I didn't saw your presentation, so I can guess that if these people think that you are the man to go and watch the glaciar by yourself so be it.
I think you deserve it, but instead of the other guy you are going with, Cristobal should, don't you think so?
I guess yes.
I wish you the best of luck, bang at least one of the chiks in that boat ok?

Your friend Emiliano

luisisinteligent dijo...

Hi Juan I am Luis, you don't know me and i don't know you but i guess you are a great guy and i hope you have a great time because this is a one time life experience.

l'amico marrone dijo...

Hi, its great that you could go in this trip. How are you doing? I hope you enjoy it more than your first day. Put photos in the blog so the people can see the landscape, bye.

luisisinteligent dijo...

Hi Juan I am Luis, you don't know me and i don't know you but i guess you are a great guy and i hope you have a great time because this is a one time life experience.

Santiago Izeta dijo...

Hello jp, how's it going over there, its cool that you could go in the journey.
When are you getting on the boat? Can you fish during the boat trip? Well, i hope you enjoy the trip. bye.

Take some ggod photos and send them to my email: pipahatch@hotmail.com

LaUrA dijo...

Hi Juan Pablo, we don't know each other very well but I wish you and Carlos a great trip, I hope you see a polar bear and that you have great fun! Enjoy this trip because it's going to be a great experience for you, make it be a good one.
Laura F4

Chema & Raul dijo...

Hi were from 4B Raul & Jose Maria. We wish you have a good & safe trip. Have the best time of your lives there and we´ll see you when you return.

M&F dijo...

hi jp and carlos! how are you doing! how is the artic! having fun?!!! we hope you learn a lot! keep learning! keep in touch! wish you luck! Mj and Fernanda!

Ant Gillett dijo...

Good man. I'm glad to hear they let a pair of criminals into Canada. Only joking. It sounds great so far. I write this in the evening rainfall here in DF. As Ian has mentioned, we are going to get form groups to write to you whilst you are away plus I'll make sure we have students in the IT room for the live blog. We should get Once TV in school when you are blogging live.
Take care chaps!

Cam dijo...

Chicos! Que bueno que ya llegaron! Se les extraña mucho! Estoy bien orgullosa de que hayan ganado! Jaja bueno mucha suerte, se les extraña y quiere flanecitos!

iñaki salazar dijo...

Tranza brother!!! No se porque todo el mundo escribe en ingles en tu blog pero yo voy a escribir en español... Que bueno que hayan llegado sin problemas (bueno masomenos) y que la aventura esté por comenzar. Recuerda que es una experiencia única que talvez no se vuelva a repetir así que aprovechala al máximo. Finalmente me gustaria aclararle a emiliano fernandez que "tu acompañante" está totalmente capacitado y cuenta con todas las cualidades necesarias para emprender este viaje. Les deseo mucha suerte!!!

Tzotz dijo...

Hola a los dos, les mandamos muchos saludos desde aquí, el ground team familiar.

Ese oficial de migración canadiense sólo se las aplicó, je je, pero bueno, que bueno que no están tan tensos como los americanos y pueden bromear.

Que bien que se verán ya mañana con el resto del equipo. Les cuento que salieron noticias de que la deforestación en el Amazonas va más rápido que los años pasados, y eso sólo suelta más CO2, para comentarlo con el equipo brasileño. Y el comentario de Cristóbal en el British Council sobre que toca hacer cuando los países son pobres o tienen mucha gente pobre creo que valdría la pena comentarlo con el equipo de la India y armar una discusión.

Suerte con los mosquitos y buena vibra para las entrevistas con los medios.


p.d. Les mando una liga hacia el libro que tiene las cuentas de carbono de México. Obvio, la industria petrolera es de las más generadoras, pero el transporte no se queda tan atrás...


Arlen Ramirez dijo...

Hi, I hope that you are having lots of fun and that you use this amazing experience to change the minds of people and help to the conservation of our planet. I wish you both the best LUCK!
Arlen f4

Rodrigo Moreno dijo...

hi, my name is Rodrigo. You dont know who I am but I still hope you have a very nice trip to the arctic and that you keep putting pictures and descriptions of the journey.
Good luck

Rodrigo Zozaya Arriagada dijo...

hello JP, I hope you guys have an awesome time over there and make lots of friends on the boat. Take lots of pictures ok? I want to see how its like over there.
Have the time of your life

Daniela Hurtado dijo...

Hey jp!! we hope you're having a great time and lots of fun and enjoy this amazing experience!!

Alexia & Daniela

QPT dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

Hola Juan
Me da mucho gusto que todo vaya bien, ya debes de estar en el barco, ¡que experiencia! Disfurta mucho cada momento y toma fotos, video, todo lo que pueda para que a tu regreso lo difrutemos nosotros también. Saludos a Carlos y para ti un gran beso. ¡¡¡¡SUERTE!!!!
Isabel Sacristán

Anjali dijo...

Hey boys! Hope everything is going well! This is an absolutely amazing experience for you two, do make the most out of it! Looking forward to seeing you soon and hearing all your exciting stories...